Tip #11: Open Access Content in Ovid MEDLINE

Update: Ovid shared an announcement about upcoming changes to the Open Access panel discussed in this posted.

"We're pleased to announce a release to the new Ovid UI on 24 May 2023 at 6 AM EDT (view your local time). In this release we're removing the orange Open Access panel that appears on the right side of Basic Search and making updates to the display of error messages. The decision to remove the Open Access panel is the result of years of very low usage. We found that our users perceive this panel as if it were an advert because it displays on the page as adverts do on other websites. Through Links@Ovid and Ovid LinkSolver, we continue to link users to available Open Access Electronic Full Text articles."


This post was inspired by a January 2021 thread on the expertsearching email list from Roxanne Isard BA, BEd, MLIS, Teaching and Learning Librarian (Western University).

Ovid MEDLINE provides a unique set of Open Access results, including Medknow publications (350+ medical societies and associations), that is different than other OA content in the regular search results, but the process for searching for them isn't immediately obvious in the Ovid interface.

 Running a search in the Advanced Search screen in Ovid Medline will NOT retrieve these OA results.


The OA search is a separate results box that shows up to the right of the Basic search results. Since this feature only works with Basic searches, you must not use phrases in your search, anything with a phrase gets converted to an Advanced search. 

When you scroll down to view the Basic results you will see an orange "Open Access Results" box on the right side of the screen.


When you click "View All Open Access Results" the displayed results don't appear in your search history, so there isn't a way to combine them with your other searches. You will need to export these results separately.

If you run a search from the Advanced screen, there is a not-so-obvious button to search OA content from the Basic Search screen just above the grey bar at the top your results display. 
Ovid confirmed that these results are NOT included in the Advanced version of the search. There are other OA results that will appear in the Advanced search, but this is a different set of OA results. Because the Medknow set of resources changes frequently, you can request a current list of included resources from Ovid.


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