Tip #29: Filtering by Date Added in Scopus

This week's tip comes to us from Paije Wilson, MLIS Health Sciences Librarian at the Ebling Library. She credits the Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and other Knowledge Syntheses guide from McGill Library as the original source for the tip.

You can filter results in Scopus by date added to the database. I've found this handy when researchers want everything added to a database after or before a specific date, regardless of when the items were published.

ORIG-LOAD-DATE > [insert Unix time without brackets or year month day]

ORIG-LOAD-DATE < [insert Unix time without brackets or year month day]

For example, ORIG-LOAD-DATE > 1616907600 or ORIG-LOAD-DATE > 20210328 will retrieve items added to Scopus after March 28, 2021 (regardless of publication date). 

You can also AND a before and after filter together to get a date range. I've only seen this tip on a couple of pages, including this blog page (https://christinaslisrant.scientopia.org/2014/04/29/searching-scopus-by-date-added-to-the-database/) and McGill's libguide (https://libraryguides.mcgill.ca/knowledge-syntheses/updating).

That McGill guide has filters for load dates for other databases too!


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